
This function is deprecated, and may be removed at the next release.

This function saves you the effort of typing box_auth() after the package loads. Executing box_auth_on_attach(TRUE) will mean that boxr will automatically attempt to authorize itself when 'attached' (e.g. library(boxr)), using the credentials from the current session.

box_auth_on_attach(auth_on_attach = FALSE)



logical, indicates if boxr should authenticate as soon as it's loaded.


Invisible NULL, called for side effects.


This is provided for convenience, but it's a bad idea to use, if:

  • You'd like your code to be reproducible. Even if your collaborators have access to the same files on box.com, as the default behaviour is to require using box_auth(), code is likely to become irreproducible.

  • You use more than one box.com account. Things could get rather confusing.

See also